Business Sales and Acquisitions

Tom Spadea, as a former business owner and business broker, brings a unique perspective to clients wishing to either sell their business or looking to acquire a new business. His belief and philosophy is that an attorney should be engaged to make a deal better, not worse. Attorneys have a reputation, sometimes deserved, for being deal killers. However, an attorney’s job is not to eliminate risk from a deal by killing a deal, but rather it is to point out the risks and to shine a light on issues that the principals neglected to deal with or have ignored. It is much easier to deal with future trouble in the present when the parties still have a positive open relationship then after a deal is done and both sides have dug into firm positions. Tom brings a mature, far sighted perspective into deals to handle future contingencies. By negotiating in good faith and creatively structuring deals that work, the goal is always to get a deal done and not to just be the attorney that says it’s not possible.